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Charlotte NC Smoke Damage Cleanup and Fire Damage Repair Company

Fires can be one of the most frightening disasters to hit your home or business. They are usually unexpected and in some cases can be very dangerous. If you have recently experienced fire damage to your home, you may be wondering where to even start with the restoration process. Luckily, Charlotte Restoration Pros of Charlotte has years of experience dealing with fire-damaged homes and businesses. We are Charlotte’s #1 fire damage restoration company. We keep to our promise of 100% customer satisfaction by making sure you are well taken care of throughout the entire restoration process. We also remain open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year to serve your restoration needs regardless of the day or time. So give us a call today and we will send one of our experienced fire restoration crews to get your home or business back to pre-fire conditions.

Charlotte Restoration Pros of Charlotte Fire Damage Restoration Services

At Charlotte Restoration Pros of Charlotte, we are always the first people on the scene after the fire has been put out by the local fire department. It is important that you call us as soon as you and anyone inside your property is safe. That is because fires create a lot of damage, both clearly visible and hard to spot. We train our employees to easily spot all possible damage caused by a fire. The longer you wait the greater the risk that your property will experience more severe damage. Some of these damages include extensive electrical problems or structural damage. We also train all of our fire restoration experts according to IICRC guidelines to make sure they have the knowledge to take on any restoration project.

After we arrive at your property and do a thorough inspection to account for all damage, we will board up your house to prevent potential burglaries. This step is not only part of our fire restoration process, but it is also often required by insurance carriers. Next, we will make sure you understand and agree to every step that will be taken during the restoration. If you have any questions during any point in the process, feel free to ask a crew member or call a Charlotte Restoration Pros of Charlotte representative. They will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.
Fires can leave some of your most valuable personal items charred or partially destroyed. However, our advanced restoration technology allows us to restore some of your damaged goods. When we arrive at your home or business, let us know of any goods you would like us to try restoring, and we will be sure to do our best to get them looking as good as new.

Fires affect thousands of people in the greater Charlotte area every year. However, even after the fire itself has been extinguished, there can be extensive damage left behind. If you have recently experienced any kind of fire damage, do not stress. Give the professionals at Charlotte Restoration Pros of Charlotte a call today, and we will get to work restoring your property right away.

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Customer Reviews & Testimonials

  • We had a sewer backup in our finished basement. This was an emotionally devastating experience and we had no idea where to start. The team from 911 was very professional and quickly calmed our nerves and in a few days had our home back to normal. Thank You so much! Theresa Robinson
  • Found some mold in our attic and we were concerned it would cost a fortune to clean up. Fortunately, the team from 911 got it safely cleaned up without breaking the bank. THANK YOU ! Peter Riley

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