Fire Damage HVAC Cleaning and Restoration
After a fire, it is possible that your HVAC system is dysfunctional and won’t purify the air as it used to initially. This is because ash, particulate matter, smog, and soot build up in the HVAC units and deter their proper functioning. Therefore, the HVAC system’s motors run harder, and homeowners are tasked with paying for increased utility bills and health hazards.
A well-maintained and clean HVAC system assures you of a comfortable, productive, and healthy day. Our team of Service Pros professionals will utilize up-to-date technology to ensure that your HVAC is professionally installed, checked, serviced, and cleaned. Contact our customer service team to access our 24/7 services, as we will work around your schedule to ensure a hassle-free process.
Why should my HVAC system be cleaned after a fire?
Many homeowners are oblivious that their HVAC systems need to be inspected after a fire. Inspection allows the assessment of the damage done, although you switched off the system during the fire. When a fire occurs, fire extinguisher powder, soot, and smoke may enter your air conditioning system bringing about lingering odor, dust particles, and eventually damage.
What’s more, is that fire damage to the HVAC system may pose lots of health hazards to you and your family as the harmful gases, chemicals, soot, smoke, and other contaminants diminish the indoor air quality in your home. Contaminated air from fire damage can result in coughing fits, bronchitis, and other severe breathing conditions emanating from prolonged exposure to air pollutants.
What does the HVAC cleaning process entail?
The first step is the visual inspection of the building’s ducts which is essential to assess soot build-up and damage. Afterward, our technician will explain what needs cleaning in your home. The next step to be taken by our technician is using specialized tools such as high-suction vacuums to dislodge debris, soot, and dirt in the system and subsequently a sanitizing process to wash the mess away. The last step is an air filter change and testing to ensure that the HVAC system works appropriately.
How can I confirm the professionals cleaned my HVAC system properly?
To assure yourself that the technicians have cleaned your HVAC system correctly, you should request a visual inspection before the service is conducted and after. A visual inspection, especially photo documentation, allows you to compare the status of your system before and after the cleaning service. Other places you should check to see if they are visibly clean are the vent covers, air filters, bower blades, and the heat exchanger surface.
How much does HVAC cleaning cost?
HVAC cleaning costs are typically dependant on the size of your HVAC system. However, it usually costs approximately $25 to $50 per vent and $300 to $1000 cumulatively. However, you should remember that the cost will also be determined by other factors such as the damage caused, size of your home, number, and type of HVAC system.
How long does the HVAC cleaning process take?
If a team of about two experts is dispatched to your home, a typical HVAC cleaning after a fire can take approximately two to five hours, especially if your home is a condominium townhome or a new home. Nevertheless, if you are a pet owner or own an old home, it may take more than 5 hours to clean as there might also be dirt like fur, dust, and lots of dirt.
Do I have to get out of my home during the HVAC restoration process?
Moving out of your home seems cumbersome, especially when the fore damage is not enormous. Still, a fire-damaged house is unsafe for occupation as breathing in smoke, soot, and residues in the air may bring about health complications. Therefore, you should move out until the cleaning and refurbishing process is complete.
To ensure a smooth process, remember to make the proper arrangements with our customer service team and avail them of all necessary details. Besides, you may want to suspend your utilities till the work is done temporarily.
Which items should I take with me during the process?
Ideally, collect anything that has high monetary value and should be kept with you at all times, including personal documents, cash, credit cards, cash, mediations, artwork, and family valuables.
Do I need professional help?
Even though the fire damage might seem minute, a residential fire HVAC cleaning and restoration should be left to a team of Service Pros professionals. The cleaning process entails removing harmful chemicals, smoke residue, and gases from the fire, making it hard to breathe as you clean. Also, if it is not handled correctly, you may damage your walls, ceiling, carpeting, and wallpaper.
Our team of professionals has exquisite equipment, protective gear, skills, and experience that will ensure your HVAC system is cleaned and restored efficiently.
Can I turn on my HVAC system?
Do not switch on your HVAC system after a fire until it has been efficiently inspected and approved for use by our team of professionals. Turning on the system may aggravate the damage on the system and spread soot throughout the building.
How can I take care of my HVAC unit post-fire?
An effective HVAC is determined by the type of air filters found in the unit. It is therefore crucial to invest in the best filters and change them from time to time. When buying filters, be keen to note some vital features, for instance, the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) ratings. The filters are rated from 1 to 16; you should opt for filters with a higher rating as these are highly effective.
Other than that, you should schedule regular HVAC check-ups with our team of experts, as this will help you be sure that your unit is running smoothly. Besides, inspections will help you identify the damages of which you were unaware. You can also schedule an HVAC cleaning once in a while to keep your unit in top condition.